
Goblet Ward 7 Plot 60

Sari-Sari Store > Our Staff

Tang Moon

Visit Tang Moon's "Carrd"

Store Owner

She is a purveyor of Namazu Festival Tokens, or NFTs!

When she gets more letters in her name, she gets more power! As Satang, she can see the future.

Click here for a tarot fortune forecast.

Ryo Rin

Store Cashier

"Aren't I a little stinker?"

R'tehz Tia

Visit R'tehz Tia's Carrd

Store Cook

He's a magitek chef!

Toba Gretno

Store Part-Timer

Former Sea Captain!

Bryn Baines

Store Sampler

"I want to be ninja"

Euclid Kepler

Store Handyman

"I'm just here for the chicken."